When you really turn to face something that you have been avoid facing and suddenly you realize you have actually been facing it all along. Slowly, tenderly turning to look at it in your own time that is just right for you. This shift in awareness makes the past and present more connected and meaningful. It brings a gentle appreciation for the courage to really look at something that is challenging to see in our lives. I have always used my camera to face it all. To see yourself facing yourself puts you in the position of the witness and lets the story be the story. And stories can always be rewritten.
Facing It
When you really turn to face something that you have been avoid facing and suddenly you realize you have actually been facing it all along. Slowly, tenderly turning to look at it in your own time that is just right for you. This shift in awareness makes the past and present more connected and meaningful. It brings a gentle appreciation for the courage to really look at something that is challenging to see in our lives. I have always used my camera to face it all. To see yourself facing yourself puts you in the position of the witness and lets the story be the story. And stories can always be rewritten.