The abundant rain has brought more weeds than we’ve ever had, also more wildflowers and so much growth for all the trees. I’ve been connecting to the weeds much more this year since they are here in full force. I’ve spent several mornings walking around photographing them and feeling their value. With them here, there are so many more birds. They also make so many unique shapes and patterns. The more I look, the more complexity I find. Here are some photos from this year’s Super weed bloom.
Even The Weeds
The abundant rain has brought more weeds than we’ve ever had, also more wildflowers and so much growth for all the trees. I’ve been connecting to the weeds much more this year since they are here in full force. I’ve spent several mornings walking around photographing them and feeling their value. With them here, there are so many more birds. They also make so many unique shapes and patterns. The more I look, the more complexity I find. Here are some photos from this year’s Super weed bloom.